Portfolio website of writer A. A. Voigt. Please look below for lists of published work, personal blogs, and social media
Portfolio website of writer A. A. Voigt. Please look below for lists of published work, personal blogs, and social media
Every other week, me and my friend Leyla recommend media we think the other will like!
Detente for the Ravenous- self-published SFF novel
"Onward Christian Soldiers"- The Broken Plate Magazine
"Stygian Health" - Ghost Heart Literary Journal
“Good Bones: Haunted Houses in Recent Indie Roleplaying Games” - Rascal News
“The RPGs that Spawned from Alien” - Interstellar Flight Magazine
"The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Almost Critiques America"- Interstellar Flight Magazine
You've Got To Try Collaborative Worldbuilding For Your Next Campaign- The Story Engine Deck
Detente for the Ravenous: The Roleplaying Game- espionage and assassination game built on the Resistance system, based on the self-published novel
Finley: A Midwest Fantasy- a system-neutral setting inspired by Indiana
Forsaken- Wretched & Alone solo journaling TTRPG inspired by the Left Behind series
I Adjure You, Ancient Serpent- narrative-centered exorcism game on the Caltrop Core
Timeskip- collaborative worldbuilding tool for jumping characters from a previously-established tabletop campaign into the future
Mostly YouTube transcripts, but if you use the "categories" bar on the right, you can also find some short essays I've written!